Fear is just another word for risk adverse 

So, we Whiners are checking our lists and files more than a few times to make sure everything is a go for Happy Accident.

I know several musicians who proof read their materials over and over and over and still ended up with mistakes once released. That's what I fear will happen with us!  So, I've been reluctant to throw the switch, give the green light and let these babies go.

But why do I say fear is the same as being risk adverse? Anything you do is going to have some risk attached to it and if you let the fear of possible consequences (bad ones) impede you - then you won't get anything done.  That, to me, is being risk adverse. And what if Happy Accident has a spelling mistake attached to a liner note?  Not the worst case thing. 

Analysis Paralysis
Classic analysis paralysis takes hold when you over do the fear factor.  I equate fear with the nervous stomach before a live show.  It's a good thing in so far as it reminds you there are things that can go wrong - it makes you take things seriously. But, hey, you have to suck it up and meet the fear or you are really just a jello person.  Jello is good to eat but not such a good thing in a human being.

So, we're just going to hit the switch* on this thing and see what happens.    You can take a free download here of Say What You Mean (Harold's Mail) - that's our lead off cut on the album.

*Let the record show that at 3:53:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 6 in the year 2011, Keith hit the submit button at CD Baby.

The Whiners Happy Accident cover

Whiners bar code for the Happy Accident digital release

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