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A lot can happen in 6 months  

Been a whole six months since I wrote a post. In between lots has happened! First and most stunning is that Jamie is now in Calgary! Indeed, that has and will have an impact on the band. But, we plan to keep at recordings. The good news is the tracks for "Whiners and Losers" are done and now I just have to get to the final mixes. 

Shouldn't be too long for that so look for an early 2012 release. 

We found one single male bedbug in The Whiners studio shortly after the previous blog and, well, if you've…Read more

Victoria Day Updates  

Just a few odds and ends to talk about as we near the end of May.  

@thewhiners and @thewhinesband
We've been tweeting a lot more recently.  Decided in April to start RT-ing whiner references as well - even if they weren't about us.  Made some new friends this way. Of course we had the recent Canadian election and did some on the fly tweets during the debates which was quite fun and gave a real sense of being in the moment as others were watching/tweeting too.

Whiners and Losers
We've been calling album #2…Read more

Gosh, the net links the oddest things!  

While searching Google for pick ups of our new release "Happy Accident", I came across a link to a web site of health tips around the Common Cold that featured our video from "Wear Your Socks to Bed".  It's a connection for sure Lol.

I did a screen capture of it featured here.  We've taken the video off line so it's not available anymore which I guess puts a wrinkle into the content there, but I find it hilariously funny that we would be linked to a site talking about cold cures in the first place.…Read more

A live Happy Accident is way better than a dead one 

So, we have an album out. That's just cool to be able to say that.  The Whiners as a band goes back to 1998 when I (Keith) linked up with an old high school chum to tutor me on guitar.  Playing guitar was something I always wanted to do but never got to. Who better to teach you than someone you hung with? That was good but we have to fast forward 10 years or so later for me to get good enough and persistent enough to get the preverbal shit together and find a partner with a similar mind set to get something…Read more

Fear is just another word for risk adverse  

So, we Whiners are checking our lists and files more than a few times to make sure everything is a go for Happy Accident.

I know several musicians who proof read their materials over and over and over and still ended up with mistakes once released. That's what I fear will happen with us!  So, I've been reluctant to throw the switch, give the green light and let these babies go.

But why do I say fear is the same as being risk adverse? Anything you do is going to have some risk attached to it and if you…Read more

New Beginnings 

Anyone remember Dana Carvey on the premier of an all new cast SNL show? It was years ago now.  Sigorney Weaver was the host and she, Carvey and Phil Hartman (RIP) were in a sketch about a record company taking a chance on a singer/songwriter who'd become somewhat wasted over the years (Carvey).  Derek Stevens I think the character's name was.

Anyhow, the character was supposed to have finished a new album for the execs to hear.  He hadn't and started improvising on the spot some of the "new" tracks he had…Read more