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Gosh, the net links the oddest things!  

While searching Google for pick ups of our new release "Happy Accident", I came across a link to a web site of health tips around the Common Cold that featured our video from "Wear Your Socks to Bed".  It's a connection for sure Lol.

I did a screen capture of it featured here.  We've taken the video off line so it's not available anymore which I guess puts a wrinkle into the content there, but I find it hilariously funny that we would be linked to a site talking about cold cures in the first place.…Read more

A live Happy Accident is way better than a dead one 

So, we have an album out. That's just cool to be able to say that.  The Whiners as a band goes back to 1998 when I (Keith) linked up with an old high school chum to tutor me on guitar.  Playing guitar was something I always wanted to do but never got to. Who better to teach you than someone you hung with? That was good but we have to fast forward 10 years or so later for me to get good enough and persistent enough to get the preverbal shit together and find a partner with a similar mind set to get something…Read more